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Animal Farm Loyalty Quotes

Snowball's Condensation: "Four legs good, two legs bad"

Key Quotations for Understanding Orwell's Animal Farm

"Four legs good, two legs bad"

In Chapter III of Animal Farm, Snowball succinctly condenses the farm's philosophy into a catchy slogan: "Four legs good, two legs bad." This phrase becomes a rallying cry for the animals, a reminder of their shared purpose and the enemy they must always oppose: humankind.

However, as the allegory unfolds, the true meaning of this statement becomes more complex. While initially representing the animals' collective strength and their rejection of human oppression, it gradually morphs into a dogma, used by power-hungry leaders like Napoleon to control and manipulate the masses.

This simple yet powerful phrase captures the essence of Orwell's warning about the dangers of totalitarianism and mob mentality, reminding readers that even well-intentioned revolutions can succumb to corruption and the abuse of power.
